Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tim Stillman - Page 54

Bedroom blogger and professional Arsenal fan. Victory through sanctimony.
693 Posts

Those old familiar faces

One by one, pre season checkpoints are being ticked off. The fixtures have been published. People have moaned about the fixtures. The new home shirt...

Column: Not quite golden brown

Thankfully, we are in the sickly sweet methadone arms of Euro 2012. I’m no huge fan of international football, but I have to admit I’m...

Joy Divisions

Around two years ago, one of my best friends was suddenly beset with an intellectual shame. She had briefly caught the tail end of a...

Someone said something I disagreed with

We currently sit marooned in the post season pre European Championships no man’s land. It’s sometimes a bit crazying to watch my fellow inhabitants of...

Here comes the summer

In the Darwinian jungle of football, every summer ought to be a surgery. It’s a chance for the coaching staff to doctor the cosmetics of...

Can’t pull the wool down

So the season is over and another summer is upon us. It’s been here for four days and already I’m bored of it. As Mick...

Scott Tenorman must die

Such is the trepidation that third place is being regarded with by ourselves, Spurs, Newcastle and Chelsea, one wonders if hasn’t been contaminated with some...

Uncomfortable steamers

Last week I wrote about my perception that results become more variable at this stage of the season, as pressure and fatigue begin to lay...

More fat cloggers please

Predicting results at this stage of the season becomes something of a fool’s errand. Easter time has always thrown up shock results. The only surprise...

Video’d kill the referee tsar

It’s been a week to get the pulses racing. If the deserved late win against Mercenary City was a night out at a strip club...

Hollywood beyond

We’re very much in the home straight now. The yellow tape is well in sight on the horizon and we know exactly what we have...

The sound of the crowd

In my time writing this column, I don’t ever recall such difficulty in thinking up material to fill my remit. It’s quite absurd when you...



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