Friday, October 18, 2024

Tim Stillman - Page 54

Bedroom blogger and professional Arsenal fan. Victory through sanctimony.
707 Posts

Chilled out German spiders

“Defensively, we were not at the level required.” With those little words from Arsene Wenger on Saturday afternoon, the steadily inflating balloon of our early...

Logic, movement and energetic pointing

After a six month layoff, the Arsenal bench jacket is nearing a recall as the days and nights are drawing in. Soon Le Boss will...

Karaoke keepers

Bonjour Gooners. Having returned from France with the sweet taste of victory on Wednesday evening, I can retire my pigeon French again for the foreseeable...

Here we go again

Another instantly forgettable international break is behind us. I’ve come to regard the interlull as akin to a Sunday morning beeriod after an evening of...

We could be Germans, just for one day

Assembling this week’s column has been a difficult undertaking. The transfer deadline arrives imminently and, at time of writing, there are still so many issues...

Bould’s influence apparent as the season starts

It’s back, baby. Whilst the rumblings of the transfer window continue to, errr, rumble, it is very good to have some on pitch action to...

Kubler caaaaaaant

Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. These are the five stages of loss as outlined in the Kubler-Ross model. We will be tourists in these destinations...

Drill a hole in your own head

Having been linked variously with Chris Samba, Scott Dann, Kevin Doyle and Kieran Richardson over the last twelve months, it is quite understandable that’s there...

Walk the line

The pre season tour of Asia is over. Desk calendars have been flipped to August. Money for Stoke away has left my account. Ivan Gazidis...

Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Daaaaan! Dan! Dan!

The pre season checklist is gradually becoming scattered with ticks. The season review DVD, the release of the fixture list, Sky’s subsequent desecration of the...

Theo Walcott ate my hamster

It’s summertime and the season of subterfuge is well and truly upon us. This week has provided a neat encapsulation as to why I always...

Is our chrilden learning?

Euro 2012 brought on a kind of pleasant footballing dialysis. We were largely starved of Arsenal related news but the tournament acted as a valve...



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