Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arseblog: Monday 2nd December 2002

december 2nd

08.55 – The world has gone mad, methinks. Marc Overmars, fleet of foot and afeared of the tackle, was sent off last night as Barcelona’s crap league form continued with a 2-1 defeat by Real Sociedad. The only time I ever saw Overmars make any sort of bad tackle was during a Holland v Belgium friendly, when he launched himself kung-fu style at one of the opposition. Of course, he’s so small the Belgian suffered just an ankle injury, but what a way to get back in the Barcelona side. The grass is not always greener when you leave THOF, although the bags of cash probably are. See you in Sitges at the weekend for a beer, Marcy?

Big Fat Ron reckons Gilberto allows Vieira more room to get forward and their partnership adds another dimension to Arsenal’s play. He says Vieira should get 10 goals a season. Have to say I agree with that. If he could add that to his already impressive game, there wouldn’t be a central midfielder in the world to come close to him. Anyway, it promises to be a reasonably quiet week – the lack of Worthington Cup action means the gunners have almost a week off until the big one against Utd on Saturday.

Many thanks to CruEL, who defrocked our match reports forum with a highly entertaining account of the 3-1 win over Aston Villa. Go have a read, and you can see a report of Roma 2-2 Juventus from the fantastically named ‘Volzwagen’ – who I am assuming is making a delicious pun with the name of our German defender and not the car manufacturers. Last day to enter the competition, I’ll announce the winner here tomorrow morning.

Finally, Hungarians think the Simpsons are ‘anti-gypsy’. What nonsense, I’ll have to get the ‘Potato Man‘ after them.

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