Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arseblog: Thursday 16th May 2002

may 16th

21.57 – Many thanks to Hwei for the HTML tutorial. Today is full of new things, after the name change, a new logo was required…..

19.15 – That new section to the left is doing my head in. I wanted to have the background red, and the links in white, but I have no idea how to do it. Anyone feel like helping a 3rd rate web designer? Actually, that’s being unkind to 3rd rate designers, but you get the drift.

18.52 – Did you see the streaker during the Champion’s League final last night? I was talking to a friend in Ireland when that was happening, he was watching on ITV and they chose different pictures when the chap was on the pitch.

Not on Spanish TV. We got close ups of his arse, his leathery old sac and his flapping member. Gruesome I have to say. Worse than this.

15.38 – There is little or no Arsenal news to report that you haven’t heard already. Everything is gearing up towards the World Cup, and personally, I can’t wait. I’m not that into international football per se, but the World Cup is different. I can remember crying under a chair when Argentina beat Holland in 1978. No, I’m not Dutch, or even Hollish, but I so wanted them to win that game. I was only 7 at the time, so I can be forgiven my completely un-manly display of emotion.

Zidane’s goal last night deserved to be the winner for Real Madrid, left foot and all. That man is simply awesome. Obviously the result went down like a fart in a spacesuit here in the heart of Cataluña, but ZZ is tops.

Finally, you’ll see an addition to the site on your left. They’re just a few of the sites I visit regularly and generally find something interesting on……even the one by the Hammer ;o)

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