September 29th
A picture frame. Three lengths of clothes line. A mousemat with a picture of a football pitch on it. A can of coca-cola. Three whiteboard markers. A James Brown LP. Some poison. A laptop computer. A mug shaped like an elephant. Sennheiser headphones. Some old black and white photos.
Slow news day really. Freddie was pleased with the win over Ajax and thinks we could win the Champions League, while there’s good news about Gilberto whose ankle injury may keep him out of the Birmingham game, or maybe not, but it was feared he could have been out for up to 6 weeks and that no longer seems to be the case.
Cesc shares Freddie’s optimism for the CL, saying “Arsenal can go all the way this season. If we think we are going to go out, what’s the point in playing in this kind of tournament? We’re winners and we want to win everything.”
Sol is ready to make his return for England atfer his comeback to Arsenal. To me that’s about as interesting as listening to Leonard Cohen singing the works of David Grey after coming home to find his cat died. But still, I know some of you like that kind of thing. International football, I mean, not depressing singers with dead cats.
And there you go, another episode of Arseblog draws to a close. Same arse time, same arse channel tomorrow. Kablam.