Friday, February 7, 2025

Arseblog is now a Barcelona blog…

…but only for a few days.

Good morning from Barcelona. In fact, good morning from my hotel room in Barcelona. In more facty fact good morning from me, in my underwear, lying in my bed in my hotel room in Barcelona.

Now, if that’s not an image to arouse you bring your breakfast back up then I don’t know what is. It would, I think, be very remiss of me on my first trip back here since we left over a year ago not to include that most customary of Arseblog customs. So here we go.

*El Boilk*

Needing the customary gin and tonics in order to get on a plane and fly those were followed up by a number of bottles of Moritz and a rum or two, I seem to recall. Soon I shall rise, go down town to this old man’s bar where they make the finest bocadillo de tortilla francesa con jamon and scoff that with an Estrella or two. Sweet.

I haven’t really had a chance to see what’s going on in the football but I’ll give it a bash.

Arsene Wenger has called it ‘crunch time’ at the moment. They are the cockroaches and we must crunch them. Like crunchers. I know what he means though. We haven’t really ‘performed’ in three halves of football (Oh, the humanity) so it would be nice to get back on track tomorrow against Boro.

He’s also spoken out against a horrendously stupid PFA report which puts the failings of the English national team down to the fact there at too many foreigners. It really is very dull now that all this finger pointing goes on without trying to address the real problems, which we’ve been through on this site more than once. Personally I think anyone who tries to bring in restrictions on foreign players should be killed, fatally, to death.

Theo Walcott reveals Arsene Wenger has asked him to be more aggressive. I can imagine him at home in the mirror practising – “Grrrr, raarrrr”. Go Theo.

Not much else happening really. I know some people who use BT as their ISP are having some problems connecting to Arseblog at the moment. I really have no idea what’s going on, the site and the server are obviously accessible to everyone else so the problem has to be at their end. I’d suggest contacting their technical support but I believe they are to tech support what Titus Bramble is to defending. I hope they sort it out soon and sorry for any inconvenience this is causing.

Those of you desperate enough can read the site via RSS or via the Mailing List – or you can use a proxy site, such as, to access.

Right, time for a shower then off for my sandwich of all sandwiches. Also, because this laptop is so old and clunky any spelling or grammar mistakes will remain in place as a testament to my illiteracy because it takes so long to correct them.

Hasta luego, Arsefans.

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